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Although my students and researchers in my lab have a plethora of innovative work, I agree I have been lazy and have put the least of my efforts into writing papers. However, they are my saving grace and you see some of their efforts in the publications below.

Fabrication of Nāmya: A Bend and Touch-Sensitive Flexible Smartphone-Sized Prototype

Pranjal Borah and Keyur Sorathia

Human Behaviour and Emerging Technologies | 2022

Analysis of Body-Gestures Elucidated Through Elicitation Study for Natural Locomotion in Virtual Reality

Priya Ganapathy and Keyur Sorathia

2022 Conference on International Conference of the Indian Society of Ergonomics | 2022

Understanding Gesture Performance for Object Selection in VR: Classification and Taxonomy of Gestures in HCI

Shimmila Bhowmick and Keyur Sorathia

2021 Conference on India Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | November 2021

Learning and Creating Mathematical Diagrams: Findings of a Retrospective Study Conducted with Users with Blindness or Low Vision

Pranjal Borah and Keyur Sorathia

2021 Conference on India Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | November 2021

User-defined Bend Gesture Completion Strategies for Discrete and Continuous Inputs

Pranjal Borah, Keyur Sorathia and Sayan Sarcar. 

2021 Conference on India Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | November 2021

Gesture Action Mapping for Deformation-based One-handed Landscape Mode Interaction with Flexible Smartphone-sized Devices

Pranjal Borah, Jemmy Seth, and Keyur Sorathia

2021 Conference on India Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | November 2021

A Gesture Elicitation Study for Selection of Nail Size Objects in a Dense and Occluded Dense HMD-VR

Shimmila Bhowmick, Pratul Kalita, and Keyur Sorathia 

2020 Conference on India Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | October 2020

ATOM: HMD-VR Interface to Learn Atomic Structure, Bonding and Historical Research Experiments

Shimmila Bhowmick, Anjali Kaushik, Rohan Bhatia and Keyur Sorathia

In 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology | 2020

Findings of the user study conducted to understand the training of rural ASHAs in India

Shimmila Bhowmick and Keyur Sorathia.

In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. ACM | January 2019

Asian CHI symposium: HCI research from asia and on asian contexts and cultures

Samson, B. P. V., Shahid, S., Matsufuji, A., Wacharamanotham, C., Monserrat, T. J. K. P., Sorathia, K., ... & Chen, B. Y.

In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems |April 2020

Investigating controller-less input methods for smartphone-based virtual reality platforms

Priya Ganapathi and Keyur Sorathia.

In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct | September 2018

Pragati-A Mobile Based Virtual Reality (VR) Platform to Train and Educate Community Health Workers

Keyur Sorathia, Kshipra Sharma, Shimmila Bhowmick, and Preetham Kamidi
16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Springer International Publishing. | September 2017

Papers before 2017 can be accessed through the Google Scholar link here

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